
I love WI

So for the last few days I have been up north in northern WI. Now as many of you know it is pretty much Spring in most of the country. Well not here it isn't today I had to shovel snow out of the way so I could walk down to the lake. Then I proceeded to walk out to the end of the pier and walk across said lake. Yes in northern WI the lakes are still frozen enough to be considered safe to walk and ice fish on. The lake still has 2 feet of ice in the center but the edges are sketchy. I also made a very large bonfire to burn all the wood and pine needles that fell during late fall and winter. This was so that come true spring we can plant things. And by things I mean anything that the deer will not instantly devour. I have also been interviewing for a summer job and I will know by the end of the week if I have the job or not. I would be health officer at a camp this summer. Well that is all.

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